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Thanks to 'supercycle', HANMI Semiconductor made a 'startling' performance in Q1.
2021-04-22 3938

기사 이미지
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Sales rose 80.0% year-on-year to 70.5 billion won, 'the biggest ever'
Operating profit soared 161.5% to 18.5 billion, profit margin 26%

HANMI Semiconductor (042700), a semiconductor equipment manufacturer, unveiled its 'startling' performance from the first quarter of this year thanks to semiconductor 'super cycle' (super boom).

HANMI Semiconductor announced on the 19th that its sales in the first quarter of this year increased 80.1% year-on-year to 70.5 billion won. This is the highest performance ever in 1st quarter. Its operating profit during the same period increased 161.5% to $18.5 billion (18.5 billion KRW). The profit margin reached a whopping 26 percent.

A representative for HANMI Semiconductor said, "In addition to 5G (5th generation mobile telecommunication), demands for semiconductor equipment will increase rapidly due to activation of 4th industries such as Metaverse, IoT, AI, self-driving, connected car, Bitcoin, and data center."

HANMI Semiconductor is also planning to expand its plant at its headquarters in Incheon to cope with growing demands for semiconductor equipment. "If we complete the expansion of the first building with a floor area of 9,900 m2 in May at about 12.2 billion KRW, we will be able to respond more flexibly to our customer's orders," the official said. "The increase in performance due to increased sales of semiconductor equipment will gain momentum."